Peter Vasdi
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Apr 2013: Comments on new SimCity 5.

PV's new online microbio mag

Feb 2013: Revolution in Syria

Dec 2012: Wishlists added and updated.

Nov 2012: Spark of war in the Middle East

Nov 2011: Revolution in social signaling

Oct 2011: New economic model to solve world crises.
Last updated: 26 Nov 07

Philosophy (1  2  3) ...behavior

I believe that we should understand the nature of good and evil:

Reaction programs

We are programmed (for lack of a better word) with sets of behaviors and feelings.

Our senses are exposed continuously to all kinds of stimulae. Random sequences of sight, sound, touch, taste, feel. However, starting from we don't know when before we're born, certain combinations of senses repeat like chords repeating themselves in a song. The first time around, we just react; the second time we learn to avoid and to enhance based on last time. Subsequent repetitions of a particular set of sensations crystalize into a reaction that balances the best against the worst - for us based on our awareness and energy.

With time, our memory of sense combinations grows. The more complex and hopefully wiser our reaction programs become. A progress (and our ability to progress) towards wiser reaction programs, is another definition for the force of good.

Through life we accumulate reaction programs. We're born with some, which specialists call "instincts" so that we have instinctive precedents to start us off with learning the rest.

The nature of evil

At birth we're given a "best guess" set of instincts to enable us to survive and to start learning how to adapt to our new lives. The rest of the learning depends on the new life we are born into.

To a person who can see the past and future; to someone who can see everything all at once, they would see that:

The intelligence of good and evil

Reaction programs are learned. They become our library of stored behaviors. We work to get them, and we fight to keep them. They are part of our identity.

Yet they are never perfect paths to quality of life. Our senses are limited to our own personal body and to the limitations of our human form. Reaction behaviors must, therefore, continually be tested and change if they are to grow in their power for good.

Evil forces can limit our perceptions so that warped behaviors are exposed to stimulae that reinforce the behavior. Our reactions can contain negative elements naturally because of individual lack of experience. Or existing warped reaction programs, espeically when shared by many, can warp the reactions of other people. A prejudice that is shared can be easily passed on. A parent that has been abused is likely to abuse his children. Social upheavals can store negative behaviors in large groups of victims that continue to propogate like spreading waves, into subsequent generations. Unable to resist chocolate?

So we accumulate good, and we accumulate bad. I suppose all of us are combinations of both. The collections of good and bad are like living entities, unseen, but there. Such entities are almost like semi-intelligent entities that do not exist one per person, but that transcend people: one good or bad intelligence can spread itself through many people - all of us. One bad program can invade millions of people. One ethnic group can be essentially healthy (be the repositories of good behaviors and intelligence) and then gradually, under the influence of negative forces that are too great to deal with, be invaded and possessed by evil programs that coalesce into several and then one evil intelligence that controls the behavior of many like lemmings suiciding themselves towards a cliff.

So what?

If we are to progress towards improving our quality of life, then we need to know the patterns that promote and that take away from that goal. The forces of good and evil, and their ability to accumulate within us. Their dynamics. When confronted with a mature intelligent pervasive life force, we can attack and destroy most effectively if we know its history and makeup. We may not need a sword to slay the dragon, but could manufacture bacteria to attack its individual components. Analyze an evil force into its component reaction programs stored in individual groups of people, and then expose those programs; shine the light of global information on them; let individuals heal themselves one program at a time.

The next step is to come up with mechanisms to correct the warping of good programs into negative forces, to cure and modify negative (evil) programs into forces of good (go to Mechanisms).